IT skills oriented training

Our Aim

The main aim of this program is to provide computer competency training including professional and career-oriented training to the underprivileged and deprived students of Nepal, who are not able to afford the costly course fees at other training institutions.

Through the training, IIT&RC aims:

To help the students, regardless of low economic status, gain access to better employment and career in the field of IT and computer work through technical education and training.

Addresses the knowledge gap & digital divide

Access to computer education is still not widely implemented in the rural area of Nepal; the main reason behind this is the lack of resources and qualified ICT teachers.

IIT&RC is a platform where students from rural areas can start their beginner’s level computer competency training; they can follow any professional computer training if they are qualified for it.

Enhances job opportunities

Only a good academic background is not enough to get a job since jobs more and more often require good computer skills even for entry-level positions.

At IIT&RC, students can follow any professional training like Office Package, Accountancy, PC Repair, Maintenance and Troubleshoot, ICT implementation in education for teachers, Graphic Design, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Internship opportunities in various technologies for college graduates and undergraduates.

Improves Learning Skills

As the targeted students are mostly from public/community schools, competency in the English language is mostly not good among the students, but when a student enrolls for computer competency training, at first they get the opportunity to improve their English language and then computer skills.

The integration of computer and its tools in education has been productive to enhance learning and teaching capacity.